Capital Campaign Community Invitation


You Are Invited!

Last fall, the Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation launched its “Future is Now” Capital Campaign with a $10 million fundraising goal to support bringing exceptional care to the community. This month, the campaign reached a tremendous milestone with construction starting at the expansion site. Now with actual shovels in the ground, the Foundation Board of Directors is excited to confirm that they have received pledges and donations totaling over $8 million towards the Capital Campaign. The Board would like to thank those municipalities, businesses and individuals who have already committed to the Campaign. We live in a generous community and your extraordinary support, on top of your continuous contributions to the Foundation’s annual commitments, is nothing short of incredible.
“The expansion of acute care inpatient beds and the addition of the new community services building at BTHC will ensure that we continue to meet the long-term needs of the residents of Morden, Winkler and surrounding communities,” says Jane Curtis, CEO, Southern Health-Santé Sud. “It is thanks to the tremendous efforts of the Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation and the community for their generous contributions toward these projects. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for the outstanding support of this community.” Foundation Board Chair, Ben Friesen, agrees. “I would like to personally thank those that have got the campaign to this level, we are so appreciative of the support the expansion project has received. Everyone that has donated or pledged, it’s just fantastic to see the enthusiasm and excitement.”
With the campaign nearing its $10 million target, the Board now invites the community at large to get involved. “We want everyone to feel like they have had the opportunity to be a part of this, to help shape and enhance healthcare in their community for years to come,” Friesen adds. While meeting with each of the 220,000 people that rely on BTHC for care is impossible, the Board welcomes your questions and discussion about the expansion project. Your campaign invitation should be arriving in your mailboxes and if you would like to discuss how you can more meaningfully participate in our expansion fundraising efforts, please give the Foundation office a call at 204-331-8808 ext. 2. You can also visit for a closer look at the services and programs that will be available once the expansion is complete. The future of healthcare at Boundary Trails Health Centre has never been brighter. Thank you for your continued support!

Barnswallow Quilters Guild Gives Back

Barnswallow Quilters Guild Gives Back

Members of the Barnswallow Quilters Guild were pleased to stop by Boundary Trails Health Centre today with a $2,000 donation for the Obstetrics department at BTHC. The Guild has always donated a share of the proceeds from their annual quilt show to the hospital before the event was suspended due to COVID. Today’s donation is the first in three years and BTHC Foundation Director Shannon Samatte-Folkett and Client Service Manager Lisa Keenan were excited to welcome the ladies and their gift this afternoon. Thank you to the Barnswallow Quilters Guild and to the community at large for supporting the health of women and babies at BTHC! 
Left to right, Client Service Manager Lisa Keenan, Barnswallow Quilters Guild members Nan Fieber, Debbie Ritchie, Mary Anne Schmidt, BTHC Foundation Executive Director Shannon Samatte-Folkett

Morden Community Thrift Shop Supports BTHC Foundation Equipment Purchase

Morden Community Thrift Shop Supports BTHC Foundation Equipment Purchase

The Morden Community Thrift Store put a staggering $219,725 back into Morden and the surrounding community at their recent spring grant celebration. The Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation was fortunate to recieve a $60,000 grant, to be used towards the purchase of medical equipment at Boundary Trails Health Centre. Foundation Executive Director Shannon Samatte-Folkett received the cheque and the funds will be used to purchase a digital imaging plate to supplement a portable x-ray machine at BTHC. This imaging plate will save precious minutes in the Emergency Department and operating rooms by speeding up the availability of x-rays.
Thank you to the Thrift Store for their continued and generous support of the Foundation and thank you to the community for their support of the Thrift Store. None of this would be possible without your donations!

Photo courtesy of Pembina Valley Online. For more details on the Morden Community Thrift Shop’s spring grant presentation and other organizations that benefitted, click here.

BTHC Foundation Announces Naming of Child and Youth Rehabilitation Centre

BTHC Foundation Announces Naming of Child and Youth Rehabilitation Centre

The Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation is excited to announce the naming rights for a key service area in the expanded Boundary Trails Health Centre facility. Access Credit Union has designated $500,000 towards the Child and Youth Rehabilitation Centre. Conveniently located in the new Community Services Building, the new centre will amalgamate treatment services at BTHC so families will no longer have to travel to various locations throughout the community to receive care.

Access Credit Union (ACU) President and CEO Larry Davey, and ACU Board Chair Curt Letkeman, along with Community & Engagement Strategist Keesy Rodewald were at BTHC to present a $500,000 cheque for the Building for the Future Campaign. Davey remarked that “this is a perfect fit with what our membership is seeking on how we support our various communities. Boundary Trails impacts so many of the communities we’re in. We’re just happy to support them in this expansion.”

This gift pushes the Capital Campaign over the $8 million mark. As the campaign closes in on its $10 million goal, BTHC Foundation Board Chair Ben Friesen notes that “the community support for our campaign is still strong,” and the Capital Campaign Committee will be shifting its focus now from the business community to the public at large.

To learn more about the BTHC Expansion and a full list of services that will be available, visit

Expansion Campaign Receives Strong Municipal Support

Expansion Campaign Receives Strong Municipal Support

April closed with two pledges to the The Future is Now Capital Campaign from two municipalities that are part of Boundary Trails Health Centre’s core service area. The Municipality of Pembina confirmed a pledge of $267,100 and the Municipality Rhineland confirmed a $200,000 gift. Both municipalities have representation on the BTHC Foundation Board and their expansion campaign commitments “show a willingness to help shape the quality of healthcare in our region,” says Board Chair Ben Friesen. “We are so appreciative of the support shown by our surrounding municipalities and it brings us that much closer to our campaign’s $10 million fundraising goal.”

The Future is Now Capital Campaign has also received support from the Cities of Morden and Winkler and the Rural Municipality of Stanley – which are all represented on the BTHC Foundation Board.

Pictured left to right: BTHC Foundation Fundraising Coordinator Jennifer Ching-Faux, Municipality of Pembina Reeve Glenn Shiskoski and BTHC Foundation Executive Director Shannon Samatte-Folkett


Municipality of Rhineland Council, back row l to r: Hank Froese, Brad Wiebe, Jake Heppner, John Dueck. Front row l to r: Deputy Reeve, Brad Braun, Reeve Don Wiebe, and Archie Heinrichs.