Morden Children’s Business Market was hosted at Maple Leaf Elementary School on June 3rd. from 5-6 PM (flyer attached). Students from kindergarten to grade 4 created a brand a products to sell at the one-day market. The market gave children the opportunity to learn basic business principals and the importance of philanthropy. Throughout the evening, students and shoppers were encouraged to donate to the BTHC Foundation or Many Hands, and the total contributions were matched by the Morden Area Foundation.
At the end of the evening, the BTHC Foundation received $334.10 in market donations which was then matched by MAF.
Thank you to Maple Leaf Elementary School for the invitation and to the young entrepreneurs, thank you for sharing a portion of profits!
The future of our community is bright!

You’ve Helped Raise…

Palliative Care, Spiritual Care & Equipment needs within BTHC

$701000 RAISED
BUDGET $4000000