If you happen to have some cash laying around, $25.00 to be specific, consider putting it towards a ticket for the upcoming fundraiser concert at the PW Enns Centennial Concert Hall. The proceeds are going to the Boundary Trails Health Centre Palliative Care Program. Performing at the concert is Rosemary Siemens and The Sweet Sound Revival. Here she shares with us why a fundraiser like this is necessary and important.

Rosemary’s latest album is fittingly titled, “Plum Cloulee, My Home,” and at the end of January won the award for Best Southern Gospel/Country Album of the Year at Canada’s Gospel Music Awards. She shared with us how she feels about winning the award.

Finally, if you’re not sure if you would like to go, here she lets us know what to expect if you attend the concert.

If you click the link below, it will take you to Boundary Trails Health Centre website where you can find the link to order tickets!

Rosemary Siemens Concert

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Palliative Care, Spiritual Care & Equipment needs within BTHC

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BUDGET $4000000